I'm seriously not going to study last minute anymore. I'M ARMED WITH DETERMINATION THIS TIME. its not empty talk!
It results in me looking like some total freaktard standing at the side of the road studying in the morning, in class, on the way to class... nevermind you get the idea.
I planned to sleep at four last night, so i can at least read through everything and even have extra time to really memorise. but hell, my body just plonked onto bed at 2+... I woke up at 6:30, realised i haven't even read through strategies for development, nor have i packed my bag.
So much for a first day of school. what's more, my eye hurts like crap from lack of sleep. the day passed by just like that, although the period spent during geography had been gruelling for me, i fortunately managed to answer every question, with tons of missing facts here and there. Hey, some of them don't even exist in our textbook. I mean, most.
When it comes to talking crap, I don't think i'm too bad at it ^_^
It'll be miraculous if mdm sim ever accepts crap. here's the deal:
1) treat me to chicken rice if i pass
2) treat me to two plates of chicken rice if i get a B
3) treat me to yoshinoya if i get an A2
4) treat me to sakae if i get an A1
deal? deal. if i fail, you can give me a hug if i ever do break down :D
wait, anna lim gets to only give me a plate of chicken rice if i do get an A1. which'll never happen anyway. T.T
yup, there's some things that brightened my day, though :D
and annia, thanks for the onny notebook [most importantly the note inside!]
ohyes, THANKYOU TERIE'S MOM FOR TURNING BACK TO PASS ME THE CHOIR COSTUME! leongying you somehow remind me of choir and i totally freaked out this morning HAHA. ohwell, phototaking = concert coming.. hmm
no pictures today D:
9feb rest in other post ithink!
leongying`: Emma looks pretty in the photo with her dadddy

{leongying looks super pretty in all the photos in her blog tooo! :D and seriously somehow you remind me of choir LOL}
anon: clapclap! porn porn porn
{ANON you porno person its ART, ART. not porn -__- *claps away your clap hahaha*}
{EXACTLY! finally a person who appreciates it haha :D}
cindy: hahah hamice likes pooping on you more okay! I AM NOT A FLAMINGO LOL.
{LOL but she likes pooping on you still! :D okayokay you're not a flamingo you're cindytoh (it rhymes!)]
isabel: haha yay im feeling happy after seeing *nice* pics! XD
{hahaha okay. stay happy :D}
Jas: woah. Kinda spooky to see my name at the end of the post. can u kindly avoid giving old pple shocks?
Jas: and oh yah... can u be more discreet abt the songs. u noe the ma ta will cum catch one a not
{LOL freaked you out aye xD hahah old people..? now, i wonder how old my brother is LOL. and okay, i'm the mata here to catch you! so, thankyou for the xxx. i'll call you auntie jas! :D}
banglah: i am strong and handsome
banglah: my skin so black. dam sexy.
{OMG RYAN YOU'RE CRAZY OKAY D: ya la your skin black go dye it or something bye ^_^}
{i mean bleach hahaha}
emma: i love banglahs!
{emma: THAT WASN'T ME. now this blog needs peace, so tata ^_^}
emma: k that was actually me i confess. but i couldnt resist myself. was joking only waka
{you crazy banglah -.- stop being an imposterrr D:}
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